Ep. 76: Anatoly Moskvin

On todays episode we take a tripe to Russian to learn about a man named Anatoly Moskvin. Now this man was a journalist, historian, he spoke 13 languages, but the most important thing that he was, was a grave robber and a cemetery Enthusiast. Anatoly would dig a graves that belonged to young women and little girls. After he would dig up there graves he would then take them back home and turn them into dolls. I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A GREAT WORK WEEK!!! WE ONLY HAVE A FEW MORE DAYS BEFORE ITS THE WEEKEND AND THEN WE CAN PARTY AND SHOP TILL WE DROP!!! REMEMBER STAY FROSTY, STAY FOXY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY STAY SAFE YOU BEAUTIFUL PEACOCKS!!! I LOVE Y'ALL, DEUCES!!
Ep. 76: Anatoly Moskvin
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